Clubs & Organizations

Asian Students in Asheville (A.S.I.A.)

Asian Students in Asheville (A.S.I.A.) is an organization that represents the increasing population of Asian/Asian-American and Pacific Islander students here at UNC Asheville. The organization promotes Asian/Asian-American awareness through social, cultural, and educational events.

The presence of A.S.I.A. on our campus is to help Asian/Asian-American students in their academic and social lives and to bridge the gaps between Asian/Asian-American students and students of other cultures. We hope to enrich the diversity programs on the UNC Asheville campus through a variety of activities. A.S.I.A. strives to bring to light the true diversity of cultures spanning the Asian continent. Membership is open to all UNC Asheville students.

Native American Student Association (NASA)

NASA is a group that was formed to focus on educating others on the the different aspects of Native American lifestyles, cultures, and the uniqueness of each tribe. NASA wants to bring awareness to the fact that the Native American population on campus is small and find ways to recruit Native American students to come to UNC Asheville. This group meant to be open to people who embrace all things about the Indian cultures or want to learn more.

You not have to be of Native American/Indigenous descent to join. Follow the Native American Student Association on Facebook.