Individualized Degree Concentration

The Individual Degree Concentration allows students to develop an individualized degree program that integrates academic disciplines. It includes courses from two or more disciplines with a central focus on a subject or topic that may not be covered in existing majors or combinations of academic programs, but the combination of these courses will help students reach their academic/career goals. A Plan of Study will be devised in consultation with a faculty advisor and approved by the Interdisciplinary Studies department chair.

Students interested in the Individual Degree Concentration must submit an individualized degree plan of study form to the Interdisciplinary Studies department chair. This form includes a brief explanation of what subject areas will be combined and why. It also includes the listing of proposed courses, some initial ideas or questions to be answered in the senior capstone and potential titles for the Individual Degree Concentration.

After the individualized degree plan of study is approved, it is forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for verification that the proposal meets all graduation and proposal requirements, after which the student can formally declare a major in Interdisciplinary Studies. No changes may be made to the approved program without written authorization from the Interdisciplinary Studies chair.

For more information, please contact the IDC Coordinator, Dr. Renuka Gusain,
Students may also look at examples of successful past student proposals HERE.

Requirements for an Individualized Degree Concentration

  1. Required courses in the major—36 hours, including: IST 499; 16 hours in a primary subject area, as defined by course prefix; 8 credits in a secondary subject area; 8 additional hours of electives relevant to the program of study and approved by the major advisor. These 8 additional hours cannot be in the primary or secondary area of study. Of the 36 required hours, 16 must be at the 300-400 level.
  2. Required courses outside the major—None.
  3. Other departmental requirements—Major competency is demonstrated by successful completion of IST 499.

Students seeking an Individual Degree Concentration cannot seek a double major, and none of the hours used to fulfill requirements for a declared minor may be used for the Individual Degree Concentration. UNC Asheville graduates returning for a second degree cannot use any of the courses from their previous major or minor for the Individual Degree Concentration. Form must be submitted and approved before a student completes 75 credit hours. In exceptional cases a student may petition to have this rule waived. 

For more information, please contact the IDC Coordinator, Dr. Renuka Gusain,
Students may also look at examples of successful past student proposals HERE.



Declaration of Major or Minor

Students can declare their major or minor online.